[redacted identity] [email protected]

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Hello Internet Traveller, you have come across my federated mind dump of a blog. I’ve been writing on the internet in various ways since the mid nineties (all of that was totally lost in time) and started a LiveJournal in the year two thousand.

I finally figured out how to inject posts into Plume so you can see a lot of the shit I wrote as an angsty teen old posts from the last twenty years here over the coming weeks RIGHT NOW - the import was finished on 24/03/2023.

If you want to say hi or send a manifesto of whatever is on your mind, you can use just about any fediverse tool to interact with this blog’s posts and comments @[email protected] or use the traditional contact form.

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Internett er dødt

I hate everything.

We Did It

clap clap clap emojis

OH.MG Entertainment Solutions Inc GmbH SAS EURL


Recreating the Ancient Internet

A manifesto from CompuSus Disinformation Service

Random ass dream is random

I literally have no idea what is happening here


Just rambling, vibing

oh.mg email and why the new internet is shit

I haven't slept much and I'm making decisions based on an ever changing financial situation and mental abilities

I’m still alive

Just a post indicating I'm not dead yet

Fuckin McZucken

The plague upon the modern internet

Got no brainz, just brain dead

Brain fart but in blog form


Thank you #COVID because why fix a problem when we can just something something economy !

A Decade of MrMan.net

Ten whole years for a single domain, sure it ain't 27 but hey, who's countin'