I did a stupid thing and it kind of works

I'm not the messiah, I am a very naughty boy

Photo de Grant Beirute sur Unsplash

This morning, well perhaps more afternoon, when I was being bored with my choice of inactivity, I decided that I’d take my perfectly functional website and really fuck my day right up.

Photo de Sander Sammy sur Unsplash Photo de Sander Sammy sur Unsplash

And fucked my day right up I did. I’m no expert in Nginx and Yunohost have some things that could make thing easier but won’t, so a lot of this is h4x0ring and trying to wonder why the fuck something keeps on forcing a redirect.

Let me tell you how angry I got, and it doesn’t help that bunny.net’s logs are delayed, so trying to find what the fuck and where the fuck takes more time.

But I got it to work, and my grand scheme to change oh.mg from a subdomain of mmn.on.ca to an actual subdirectory are mostly successful. I had to roll back a couple very broad bot blocking rules on the CDN, fiddle a bit with WordPress figuring out the right IP address of the visitor, but voilà.

I’ve set finally the last of the redirects and now things are starting to settle under the mmn.ca domain.