Still Waiting for CIRA to CIRA

Waiting sux

Photo de Sandro Schuh sur Unsplash

Because CIRA decided to just delete my last attempt, last Friday I started the process of registering again through the same registrar with the same contacts bla bla bla as they wanted.

As before domain name locked on registration, but this time I received an email congratulating me on my new active domain (lol). I’m getting kind of annoyed by this process, I emailed them last year which they never responded to, using the other registrar they at least kind of responded to in a weird conflicting way, and then finally they got around to doing something and that something was deleting the domain without warning.

This time, in theory, it should be approved. I say in theory because I don’t really know, they don’t have a good policy doc on the process, and they’ve gone back to not answering my registrar at all. Meanwhile all the policy documents I’ve been reading they demand “time is of the essence” and honestly, I kind of wish they lived by their own demands.

I know of all the problems one could have, this is the least annoying of them all, but you know what, this is my blog, I will bitch about what I want to and quite frankly if some letters on my screen are the focus of my woes for the week, it’s a good week.

I think the whole annoyance is I don’t like waiting with incertainty, I also have a few projects that aren’t as easily put on a different subdomain with a lot of hassle, so in this case I have to hold off before starting.

Live view from my laptop camera

Photo de Andrea De Santis sur Unsplash