LJ Post 1540193

The Life and Times of AXPE - Originally posted to LiveJournal

I never really had a true plan for AX.PE, like really I did not. I’ve been doing things with it for a while now but nothing of real interest.

It seems now that I have found a little pet project for it, I discovered Known. Having read up about it, and being particularly interested in the social media sharing part (since I won’t have to be stuck in the Facebook endless loop), I decided to go for it.

However, it appears that they may have omitted some pertinent information about the whole connecting to anti-social medias. Ya gotta pay. And actually while writing this post and getting lost in the documentation, it appears that it ain’t a thing any more.

Which severely changes the tone of this particular post, if I can figure out how to get it to communicate with the social networks, then it’ll be a good thing. If I can’t then, really it won’t replace what’s already happening here. WordPress does all the graft and I don’t need to Tweet.

It is quite light weight on the eyes, so I’ll still give it a play around and see what happens.

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