LJ Post 1539023

Oh mer gherd - Originally posted to LiveJournal

Literally me, right now

I have managed to do two things in the last twenty four hours that I have been wanting to do forevers.

The first being, after many years of wanting to run my own version of the LiveJournal code, I finally got my shit together to do so. Granted, since LiveJournal has since dropped off the open source circuit, it’s a Dreamwidth install. But it’s forked off LiveJournal’s code.

Bref, I have a couple issues with the install, it’s not totally stable yet.  But It’s live at ao.tc (you can see me here : [personal profile] kevin) The second, very much tied in to the first, is that I have finally been able to liberate my 18 years of posts from LiveJournal ! THEY ARE ALL HERE.
I managed this feat during a test of the Dreamwidth code, I was just by chance giving it a go at importing from LJ. And It worked, very well. So I began the great WordPress Import of all my post that I brough to ao.tc from LJ. During the first run, using the WordPress still on DreamHost, I accidentally reposted them all one by one to Dreamwidth (sorry guys!) and managed to get myself blocked from my own server.
Well, that I was not having, actually to be fair I had another plan in mind and I apologise to DreamHost for doing it, but I spun up a server in the Toronto Data Centre of my favourite Cloud Instance provider and installed an instance of the WordPress. My data is finally all mine, I have also setup a bucket to drop all the images in the cloud, I originally wanted this to stay with DreamObjects, but I gave up on modifying the AWS S3 WP Plugin (for this evening anyways).

But I promise that I will find a way to get it back over to DreamObjects, cos you’ll always be me Joolie DreamHost.

I couldn’t believe that I managed to pull it all off, but here we are, running off a WordPress install located in Toronto. How the times have changed. Once I manage to get the Dreamwidth code all up and running in a more stable way, I’ll write a bit more about it. But there is one shame here, I still can’t post back to LiveJournal. That is unfortunate. So LiveJournal, sort your API out, so we can be friends again xx
