LJ Post 1532825

Many many things have occured - Originally posted to LiveJournal

It's been a while (as usual) since I've had an update.  Somewhat unsurprising to be fair, since I have a good few projects on the go.

Day job is busy, I'm currently on a new project on their side, so it keeps me thinking.  Side work is also keeping my weekends booked too.

But on the site, I'm presently advertising more and getting some extra clicks in.  But considering how much AdWords are charging, it's not really paying out as of yet.  But it's early doors, so one shall see.

Madame Katze is still her bubbly self, I caught her giving me devil eyes while sleeping in a ball.

Aside from her disposition it has been not too bad, she seems to be growing old and less inclined to murder as often.   Even when she does get the harness on, which considering there are rat traps everywhere outside, it's quite important.

I'm desperately trying to get some time to get work done in my site https://www.mmn.on.ca/, get a few ends tied up and in a better condition.  If anybody got some SEO ideas, I'm down for them.

I'll try to spend my train journey in to work with a bit more posting in mind, but no promises, I'm not very morning friendly.
