LJ Post 1441081

Olympic Torch Relay in Bristol - Originally posted to LiveJournal

Now that I've finally come out of my comatose state from getting up at 4am to make myself in to some kind of state to enter the public areas of the city; I shall tell you a tale of my people.

Last night was the evening celebration for the Olympic Torch Relay in Bristol, conveniently located at the Millennium Square (outside At Bristol).

Before I headed down to the celebrations I grabbed a bottle of the finest cider and managed to catch a bit of the relay down Welsh Back. It was rather bizarre to see how quickly the road went from normal service to a frenzy and back to normal service again.

I headed down to Millennium Square to see the torch come in to the amphitheatre by boat. It wasn't the best setup if you didn't have access to a ticket for the amphitheatre area as the only way you could watch was one not terribly large screen, so if you had ignunt people around you blocking your view, you'd be out of luck.

The whole thing was pretty spectacular all the same and the atmosphere was electric. I managed to get Damien out as well (we're being social today), of course we managed to get on the big screen looking disappointed but no matter, I took an equally disappointed looking photo too.

I managed to get a touch drunk and headed home about 2130 as I was aiming to get up for redonkulous time in the morning (4am).

The next morning I some how managed to pull myself out of bed feeling like death, mainly because it was the morning and less to do with the drinking.

I made my way on to College Green for 0540 as the torch was expected to go at 0554. Rather annoyingly my iPhone froze as I was trying to take photos, for some reason if your memory is under 1GB it goes to shit and stops working.

There was surprisingly a lot of people down there and when the torch came out it was very informal, people literally just piled in on the torch barer. They cleared a space and it began, I didn't get a terribly good vantage point but it was still worth being there!

After a stop off at home I headed up to Clifton to the suspension bridge to see the torch come across, I got an alright vantage point. I would have liked to be closer to the bridge but there was a pretty big crowd so I stuck where I was.

The whole atmosphere was electric and definitely worth the inevitable lag that I've had when I got home at 10am!

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.
