LJ Post 1353323

My tweets - Originally posted to LiveJournal

  • Tue, 13:50: Train on platform 15 minutes early, just waiting to be rammed full of shoppers. http://4sq.com/dN2TVo
  • Tue, 14:01: For the next fortnight it's driving to work. How I'll miss my train misery, but it's ok, drivers are just as shitty and will fill a void.
  • Tue, 14:09: You know, this is probably the easiest train journey I ever had, but fuck me, this wouldn't be any fun at 6am.
  • Tue, 14:14: English countryside, very pretty, etc etc. I look forward to this journey in the summer when you can see stuff, like cows n' such. Moo innit
  • Tue, 14:36: Oh! Westbury, it's only redeeming feature is that in a future world war it will be bomed harshly and out of spite by British forces.
  • Tue, 14:39: My Christmas tree in a carrier bag makes me look like a festive tramp. Giss us 20p for the phone mate. http://twitpic.com/3kjl7c
  • Tue, 14:42: RT @HolyMolyNews: Kelly Osbourne spits a mental on Twitter, calls ex c**t and accuses him of f**king men: http://holymo.ly/fpSU2s
  • Tue, 14:46: Ace! With no reason or purpose we seem to be running late. Oh sorry, THAT'S COS THE TRAIN IS STATIONARY. Duh, silly driver.
  • Tue, 14:49: HAHAHA some silly woman just got off to move up the train via the platform, doors shut and nearly took off. Would have served her right too.
  • Tue, 14:52: I didn't even have to change. AWESOME! (@ Westbury Train Station) http://4sq.com/hWugBe
