LJ Post 1285122

Twitter Updates of the Day - Originally posted to LiveJournal

  • 10:12 @colmirl Ah the Fins and their cliches! #
  • 11:25 I hate being responsible. I just re-did my TV Licence after paying Road Tax & Booking an MOT. #
  • 19:57 If it's not road works that closes off the streets it's knife crime bloody out of towners #
  • 22:13 RT @TFLN: (516): I made a google map for "places I got blow jobs" /this is utterly awesome. #
  • 22:16 @oshiewan If you need to know a man who knows a man who knows a man who makes people vanish for cash, I know a man.... #
  • 23:10 I've decided on a pint at the pub outside my door after a long wet walk from my car #
  • 23:11 Gravity is shitting on all my tweets tonight. Plus I get my own wifi in t'pub. #
  • 23:11 @oshiewan I'm having a guinness in the rain instead. It's frightfully British. #
  • 23:35 Oh balls. I missed Doctor Who. #
