LJ Post 1312581

Emailing Oprah - Originally posted to LiveJournal

I just checked my AOLOL account EmailOprah (think EmailAvril but funnier) and I found these classy emails!  Should I reply, if so any suggestions or hey, write one yourself and if it’s awesome Oprah(’s Minge) will send it back!

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: 2/26/2008 11:29:57 P.M. GMT Daylight Time
Subj: A New Earth
These are some of the main comments I derived from reading chapter three today.  Always I have been aware of the violence in religious beliefs, and their insanity that has fostered man’s inhumanity to man throughout history, but I was even more informed and saddened by the statement on page 73:  By far the greater part of violence that humans have inflicted on each other is not the work of criminals or the mentally deranged, but of normal, respectable citizens in the service of the collective ego.  I replied to the question in the workbook about the terms religious and spirituality before reading this chapter.  I believe the two terms are mutually exclusive; religion, in my opinion, has no relationship to spirituality, and I felt a bit of confirmation in what this chapter says about it.  Finally, I think the spectacle created by the media of the election campaign is revealed in what I have read so far.  How unfortunate that the media has so thoroughly destroyed a significant part of the democracy, turning the campaign into a duel, making the candidates caricatures, and demonizing them.  The gullible public has latched onto this venom and formed hateful opposing groups, which is the exact opposite of the statement Eckhart attributed to Y. Halevi, "accommodating the competing narrative."  I regret that these candidates have been driven to war against one another instead of respectively presenting their platforms and addressing issues that have import for the country.  This is the "I am right and you are wrong" syndrome.  The process has been damaged, and we may not get the best candidate under these circumstances.  It is our loss as an egoic nation.  Helen M. Earles

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: 3/28/2008 2:46:11 A.M. GMT Daylight Time
Subj: Ermine David
Jamaica, NY 11433
  27th March 2008

Greetings in Jesus Name,
I am a member of the South Jamaica New Testament of God and we are in the       process of rebuilding or purchase another house of worship for our present place is to  small, And I fell the need to ask you for a Donation or Contribution to help us find a larger place,and I would like this to be a surprise to my Pastor Errol Rougier.
Please send your gift To: South Jamaica Church of God
                                     108-48 Guy R Brewer Blvd
                                     Jamaica, NY 11433

Payable To: South Jamaica New Testament Church of God  or
                   South Jamaica N T C of God
I am grateful for your gift in advance.   Thank You.
And May God Richly Bless You  !!!!!

Ermine David     

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: 4/25/2008 2:51:30 A.M. GMT Daylight Time
Subj: [email protected]
Jamaica, NY 11433
 April 24th 2008
Dear Oprah:
Greetings in Jesus Name.
I am just writing to you again about my deep concern about our present place of worship.
I am destitute and reaching out for all the help I can get in order to be a lighthouse in our community.
As I stated before in my last email our worship house is to small, I am doing this out of concern for my Pastor whose name is Errol Rougier who I would just like to surprise him, this is between you and me. I am asking for a Contribution or Donation, for the past (9) nine years we’ve been trying by having a banquet yearly and still have a long way to go I need your help.  Please Help.
Please send your gift To: South Jamaica Church of God
                                     108-48 Guy R. Brewer Blvd.
                                     Jamaica, NY 11433
Payable To: South Jamaica New Testament of God or
                  South Jamaica N T C of God 
I am thankful for your gift.
Please when you send your gift can you email me so I would know what to expect.
Thank You?
And May The Blessing Of God Always
Ermine David

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: 1/13/2009 10:47:52 P.M. GMT Daylight Time
Subj: virgin oil
the show 1-06-09  where Dr. Oz was telling about olive oil, there is a difference in virgin and extra
virgin oil,  the olives are cold pressed the first time, which is the highest grade, The extra  virgin  - the cheese or pulp mixed with hot water and pressed again, this is the lower grade olive oil. Dr.Oz stated that olive oil should not be heated, or cooked with, which heated kills out the natural inns cines that the body needs.
my information came from world book printed 1972. 
