LJ Post 1246365

Recently Twattered - Originally posted to LiveJournal

  • 16:33 @sammymcloughlin You can never go wrong with a bacon buttie. #
  • 20:08 Just because you call it "The Best Dance Album... Ever" doesn't mean it is. #
  • 20:09 @divaschematic it's the Gaga effect her awesomeness blew up the internet pipes. #
  • 20:13 WTF why does Barbie have a flippin dance album? #
  • 20:14 @divascematic what evil isp are you with? they must be burnt. #
  • 20:16 @divaschematic even... #
  • 20:30 there is awesome and not awesome. got ssh on bb but font so small! #
  • 21:01 Panic! Crackberry is going flat and no charger! Also chuffing tweet60 shat on my last tweet. #
May this have been a meaningful post.
